Fast forward into the past
The use of animals and animal products is an important part of the evolution of mankind. This also applies to animal furs. During the Ice Age, the ability and knowledge of how to protect naked skin against the extreme climate meant survival for our ancestors. Without fur, this would not have been possible: Our biological and cultural evolution would have ended sooner or would have taken a different course.
Today, many (unconsciously) seem to remember these early times. Ermine Coats and leopard fur hats are still the traditional symbols of clerical or worldly power. And in times of heated buildings and state-of-the-art thermal clothing, people still wear fur. Very personal feelings associated with fur are also deeply embedded in our conscience: fur is a typical „hand flatterer“. It is possible that the sight of fur may not be considered beautiful everywhere but it is hardly conceivable that anyone would not find it pleasant to stroke soft fur. Such basically positive feelings are involuntarily associated with early infantile recollections.
Our relationships with animals have evolved
The fact that today’s humans use fur is not an animal protection problem in itself. We also eat meat and eggs, drink milk or wear leather shoes. Animals and animal products have been and remain part of our daily lives. Contrary to our ancestors, however, we have lost respect for our animal suppliers. We do not hesitate to exploit animals and to cause them pain and suffering, if it serves our purposes.
The production of animal fur for clothing is a typical example of human ignorance and lack of respect. Hardly anywhere else in our civilization are animals treated as brutally as in industrial fur production. Farm animals, laboratory animals and pets are at least offered a minimum of protection in most countries of the Western world. This does not apply to fur animals. They are held on farms, under the cruelest of conditions, or hunted and trapped in an inhumane manner.
Nothing has changed
Since the eighties, there have been worldwide protests against fur production. For 30 years now, facts on the housing, trapping, and killing of fur animals have been made public. Although fur consumption has dropped, the industry still continues to torture animals for their fur. From an animal protection perspective, it is clear: there is no such thing as fur gained from species-appropriate animal farming. Not even in 2013. This is why we continue to provide you with facts and figures. Responsible and well-informed consumers are the only possibility to combat the suffering of millions of animals for fashion purposes. Wearing fur remains a matter of conscience.