Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 238
Show stage 4 yrs
Show stage With this platform we are taking our commitment one step further: additional research and more in-depth information will show you why wearing animal fur is inacceptable. Based on the facts, everyone can form his or her own opinion regarding fur production. Decide for yourself whether
- Size:
- 14.9 K,
- Created:
- 08-09-15,
- Modified:
- 26-03-21 08:58
- Path: /Show stage
- /Show stage
Biology and behavior 8 yrs
Biology and behavior The Canada Lynx The lynx is a predator that belongs to the family of the felidae. Four different sub-species belong to the family of the lynx. One is the Canada lynx whose fur is mostly used by the fur industry. This lynx is found mainly in Canada and West-Montana . Smaller po
- Size:
- 19.6 K,
- Created:
- 18-10-10,
- Modified:
- 28-02-17 17:59
- Path: /Fur animals/Lynx/Biology and behavior
- /Fur animals/Lynx/Biology and behavior
Contact 9 yrs
Contact THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN FIND US pelzinfo.ch is a project of the Zurich Animal Protection Association. The offices of the Zurich Animal Protection Association are located on Zurichbergstrasse 263 in 8044 Zurich. Zurich Animal Protection Association Zurichbergstrasse 263, P.O. box CH - 804
- Size:
- 15.3 K,
- Created:
- 18-10-10,
- Modified:
- 06-10-15 10:30
- Path: /Metanavigation/Contact
- /Metanavigation/Contact
Contacts 9 yrs
Contacts For an expert information please contact Nadja Brodmann Zoologist / Managing Director of the Zurich Animal Protection Association nbrodmann anti spam bot @zuerchertierschutz anti spam bot .ch In-depth information © rwkphotos / flickr.com
- Size:
- 14.0 K,
- Created:
- 18-10-10,
- Modified:
- 06-10-15 10:25
- Path: /Media/Contacts
- /Media/Contacts
Press releases 9 yrs
Press releases Campaign "real fur - really cruel" (18.11.2014) The "check your style" campaig n confirms: Wearing fur is totally out (December 22, 2011) Fashion scouts model new style (October 17, 2011) False labeling and terminological juggling in the fur industry (December 1, 2010) Style gui
- Size:
- 17.1 K,
- Created:
- 18-10-10,
- Modified:
- 06-10-15 10:07
- Path: /Media/Press releases
- /Media/Press releases
Earlier campaigns 9 yrs
Earlier campaigns Fur Campain 2011: "Check your style" From October until the beginning of December 2011 , our fashion scouts searched the streets of Zurich for people with a distinctive style, with a sense of fashion that is fun and effortlessly does without real fur. Mentored by fashion expert
- Size:
- 28 K,
- Created:
- 18-10-10,
- Modified:
- 29-09-15 18:53
- Path: /Active against fur/Earlier campaigns
- /Active against fur/Earlier campaigns
Active against fur 9 yrs
Active against fur Against torturing for fashion: Help now! It will take much persuasive power and political pressure until fur-bearing animals will no longer be held and killed cruelly. Only when consumers have been informed about the sad truth, will demand begin to diminish. Only when as many po
- Size:
- 14.5 K,
- Created:
- 18-10-10,
- Modified:
- 29-09-15 18:53
- Path: /Active against fur
- /Active against fur
Farm housing 10 yrs
Farm housing The Red Fox / Silver Fox held in farms Obviously, an animal used to such complex social behavior will not feel at ease in the desolate environment of an animal fur farm. The cages are normally 0,6 to a maximum of 2 m² in size and 60 to 75 cm high. For an animal used to occupying such
- Size:
- 23 K,
- Created:
- 18-10-10,
- Modified:
- 14-04-15 08:29
- Path: /Fur animals/Silver Fox / Red Fox/Farm housing
- /Fur animals/Silver Fox / Red Fox/Farm housing
Trapping 10 yrs
Trapping Wild coyotes are caught in loophole or leghold traps. The traps are set up where the animals are the most likely to pass by or on game trails. If an animal triggers a trap, it is clamped into it painfully. Not rarely do the tramps jam down on body parts that are particularly sensitive to
- Size:
- 17.2 K,
- Created:
- 10-11-14,
- Modified:
- 17-11-14 18:24
- Path: /Fur animals/Coyote/Trapping
- /Fur animals/Coyote/Trapping
Coyote 10 yrs
Coyote Wolf of the prairie © angeldibilio / Fotolia Coyote (lat.) Canis latrans Geographic distribution North and Central America, from Canada to Panama Fantasy name none known Trapping Coyotes are trapped in wire loop or leghold traps. Coyote fur is used to make coats, jackets, hats and
- Size:
- 16.3 K,
- Created:
- 04-11-14,
- Modified:
- 17-11-14 13:41
- Path: /Fur animals/Coyote
- /Fur animals/Coyote