Fur production

Stolen, caged, tortured

Cat fur is mainly produced in Asia, in particular in China. There are no actual cat farms there but the animals are transported to animal markets from regions sometimes thousands of kilometers away. Up to 1,000 animals caught are loaded into one sole truck; the cages are piled one on top of the other. According to eyewitnesses, at the destination, the cages with the living animals are often thrown down from the truck, sometimes from a height of 3 – 4 meters.


On the animal markets and at the collection points of the fur producers, you often see cats wearing collars. In China too, this means that the cat was once someone’s pet. The cat thieves or mafia have no scruples and deploy commandos to steal cats and dogs. This practice not only takes place in Asia but also in Eastern Europe.


Extreme suffering

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The following film demonstrates hard facts and therefore may not be suited for everyone, in particular not the sensitive!


Fur production in China